CHS Membership
now due for 2024/25
Single - $20.00
Family - $25.00


Historical Society Logo
    Camden Historical Society Inc.
    PO Box 566
    Camden. NSW 2570
    Phone: (02) 4655 3400
    Fax: (02) 46557317

Formed in 1957, Camden Historical Society is instrumental in keeping history alive in the Camden district and is responsible for the preservation and display of this heritage through the Camden Museum.

2017 marked the 60th Anniversary of the Society. At a celebration of the event on 24 July, President Dr. Ian Willis spoke about; Sixty Years of Local History, 1957-2017

The Society has over one hundred members, with membership open to all at a cost of $20 for a single, $25 per family and $75 for Corporate and Associations each year.
Download a Membership Form (.pdf 67kb)

The Society has produced several publications, which give an insight into the rich history of the area. Along with others produced by local writers these publications can be purchased at Camden Museum or ordered by mail and paid for by electronic funds transfer.
They also produce two excellent Journals and three Newsletters each year. Both are full of great articles and information not to be missed.

Historical Society activities include social outings, visits to local historic houses, volunteer staffing of the Museum and monthly meetings which are held at the Museum at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday each month, except January.

Volunteers are the mainstay of the Museum and the Society is always on the lookout and ready to welcome newcomers to this great experience.

They work as museum attendants greeting visitors and ensuring their visit is enjoyable and a learning experience.

Behind the scenes volunteers are involved in cataloguing the collection, research, displays, tour groups and school groups.
Without their work the museum wouldn't be open four days a week and the Historical Society could not run the museum as well as it does.

Volunteers can be rostered on for as little as two hours once a month or for more hours, depending upon your availability and number of volunteers available.

Experienced volunteers are available to lead you through the roles of a Museum Volunteer with regular training days held to provide more information and other opportunities to be involved.

“I like the great atmosphere of the Museum and the range of interesting people who come in to visit” said Bob who volunteers a few times a month at the Museum. “They learn about Camden’s History and I learn new things just by interacting with them” he said.

For volunteers who are studying there is also the potential to assist with Museum projects and research. Volunteers with the Museum cover all ages and experience, you just need the willingness to learn and enjoy yourself.

People seeking volunteer work to meet their Centrelink requirements are able to do so through the Museum as it is a registered organisation with Centrelink.
Download an Expression of interest for Volunteers Form